I Switched


So, I recently made a switch.

Briefcases, that is.

Over the years I’ve owned dozens of ’em.  The most recent was a Briggs and Riley Briefcase.  It’s a great high-end jet black briefcase with that bright orange interior which makes finding things that much easier.  Very classy.

My Sleek Briggs & Riley Verb Bag

However, as my roles have changed over the years I’ve moved in and out of various briefcases to fit the role.  Right now, that Briggs and Riley bag just isn’t the “right” fit for my current work.

I’ve moved to a Veto Pro Pac bag.  It is something like a briefcase on steroids.  Seriously, Veto Pro Pac is a company that makes what is likely the most durable tool bags in the world.  Bags for Electricians, Carpenters, HVAC Techs and the list goes on.  They also make a bag that is a Tech Bag, which is what I’ve settled on.  Essentially it’s a laptop and file briefcase crossed with a tool holder bag–and as strong as a tank.

In multiple past roles I’ve nearly always carried a laptop, accessories, files and the assorted pens, business cards, literature, and such that often make up a standard briefcase.  I’ve even carried separate bags for security and fire protection surveys/walkthroughs–with two types of laser measuring devices, lux meters, sound meters, temp/humidity probes, safety googles, hearing protection, and more.

In my current role I was finding a couple motivators to move from my old briefcase to the new Veto Pro Pac.

One, much of my customer base is more industrial/blue collar/mechanical tech-oriented than ever before.  Few of them carry

briefcases, but nearly all have a go-to tool bag of some sort.  One tidbit of sales advice…work to know your customer base, and adjust accordingly.  The old Jet-Black, sleek, business case wasn’t a good fit for that reason–it stuck out like a sore thumb with my new customer base.

Secondly, just like I needed

specialized tools before, I need some other specialized tools in this role–and today I need to have them with me on the first trip into a building (so two bags was out of the question).  My role involves suggesting, demonstrating, and evaluating security devices that are often mechanical–meaning tools to take apart a lock, door closer, or piece of exit trim are helpful to have close by.  Additionally, selling door frames and doors requires having some measuring equipment (I use both a tape and small laser device), and some specialized gear for measuring gaps and door pressure on existing openings.

Those are just a few

examples of my current world of work and gear.

My Veto Pro Pac bag is the LT model (LT for Laptop) and fits the bill perfectly.  It has three large compartments.  One protected compartment in the center of the bag for the laptop and accessories. The other two are split on each side of the handle–one side for documents/files/etc…. and the other side for tools and such.  For me, after a few months of use, it’s working perfectly.

It conveys that rugged, industrial look I seek while being a workhorse of a business case in every sense of the word.  My days can mean being in and out of 6-12 facilities, so having the right bag is critical to my ability to service my customer base and build new business.

I’ve found that “right” bag in the Veto Pro Pac LT and it’s a great fit for my current needs.