I use 4 steps – and You?

number four

No matter my role….Sales Director, Account Executive, Business Development, Sales Mentor…….my selling of security technology (hardware, software, and services) boils down to hard work.  Honing one’s craft, if you will.

I’ve done it door-to-door (starting at age 8! – and again later in life).  I’ve done it with cold phone calls – residential, commercial, and at the enterprise level.  I’ve done it walking through factories, jails, chemical plants, hospitals, schools, utilities, hotels and more.  I’ve presented to Executives, Architects, Consultants, IT Departments, Facilities, Law Enforcement, and every flavor of Security Professional you can imagine. Continue reading

Start at the Beginning – Who, What, How…

Security Header

ASIS 2014 is this week.  Within the industry, there should be a great deal of trade coverage of the event, new products, trends, and presentations.  In other words, the opportunities for educating, awareness, networking, and sales should be significant.

The process reminds me of my own responsibility as I work locally with Security Integrators and End-Users in the Midwest.  What I have found is that many know me, personally, as a Security Professional, yet I am finding many do not know my employer, Anixter, as well as others might imagine. Continue reading