What a Resource!


What a Resource!

Locksmiths now have a new tool at their disposal – LSDA.com.

That’s right, a site dedicated to the LSDA (Locksmith Dealers of America Brand) product line!

Locksmiths will find this site easy to navigate and a great resource to show customers images and information about devices you are suggesting for install and servicing of their facilities. Intentionally, no pricing is offered on the site. Here’s why. No pricing means you can use the site to educate your customers without worry of them using it to determine your specific pricing model.

Better yet, unlike similar online sites in the marketplace, the LSDA.com site is mobile-phone friendly, with the site offering a design that is tailored to the smaller screens of today’s mobile phones – eliminating horizontal scrolling and zooming that is required to navigate the many sites still using older technology.

Showing off product to customers is one thing, however the new LSDA.com offers more! Consider the locksmith out in the field in need of technical info on devices.

Through LSDA.com a locksmith can quickly navigate to any product – say a door closer – and download a pdf datasheet that outlines the technical details of the unit, including bolt patterns and measurements. This makes it easy for a Locksmith to know, while at the customer site, which LSDA product may fit the bolt pattern of the door closer to be replaced – and being able to order immediately without need to go back to the shop and research the right part later in the day. Using LSDA.com in this manner should result in fewer callbacks and more efficient use of billable locksmith labor!

Oh, and if you are a Locksmith who hasn’t yet discovered the quality, security, and value of our LSDA product line, please contact me and I’ll arrange to demo some of the products for you and show you how LSDA can build your business.